

0710 Group of Art Books

Van Goch, Monet, Essential Impressions, Cezanne, Light House, Cezanne, Impressionism.

0742 Joan Blau Atlas Maior

Joan Blau Atlas Maior, hard bound with paper cover.

1292 Popular Mechanics Do-it-Yourself Encyclopedia Books

Popular Mechanics Do-it-Yourself Encyclopedia Books, 16 total.

1298 Collection of 1960's The World Books

Collection of 1960's The World Books, 31 total.

1315 Box Lot of Old Children's Books

Box Lot of Old Children's Books, Hardy boys, and etc.

1387 Box Lot of Books

Box Lot of Books, assorted style of readers.

1388 Collection of Books by Kathleen Tailer

Collection of Books by Kathleen Tailer