

0425 Vintage Hooked Rug

Needs some cleaning, 3'7 x 8'9.

0602 Chandra Strata Collection Mohawk Area Rug

Three years old, style is "Fat Shag" and quite mod. 7'9 x 10'6.

0943 Two Hand Made Persian Semi Antique Rugs

Heavily worn and damaged, largest is 3'10 x 5'7.

1128 Orient Express Collection India Rug

Hand tufted, spun yarn, herbal washed, sun dried, needs cleaning, 5' x 8'.

1129 Hand Tufted India Rug

Handmade in India, 100 percent wool, color is gold/black, needs cleaning, 5' x 8'.

1207 Machine Made Area Rug

Needs cleaning, 5'3 x 8'