

217 Five Gold Leather Bound Books

Five Gold Leather Bound Books, Grand Hotel, Adam Bede, Ship of Fools, Green, and Canterbury Tales, Location Back Metal Shelves 20

218 Four Gold Leather Bounds Books

Four Gold Leather Bounds Books, Captains, VIctory, The Memoires, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Location Back Metal Shelves 20

240 Four Gold Leather Bounds Books

Four Gold Leather Bounds Books, House of the Seven Gables, Scarlet Letter, Doctor Zhivago, Les Miserables, Location Metal Shelves 20

241 Four Gold Leather Bounds Books

Four Gold Leather Bounds Books, The Agony and The Ecstasy, Summing Up, Auto Biography, Lust for Life, Location Metal Shelves 20

254 Five Gold Leather Bounds Books

Five Gold Leather Bounds Books, Age of Fable, Elizabeth the Great, Madame Bovary, Don Quixote, Mysterious Island, Location Metal Shelves 20

255 Four Gold Leather Bounds Books

Four Gold Leather Bounds Books, Uncles Tom's Cabin, Old Curiosity Shop, Moll Flanders, Portrait of a Lady, Location Meta Shelves 20

265 Five Gold Leather Bounds Books

Five Gold Leather Bounds Books, moon and sixpence, Camille, Razor's Edge, Ivanhoe, Edna, Location Metal Shelves 20

266 Four Gold Leather Bound Books

Four Gold Leather Bound Books, Of Human Bondage, Lord Jim, Sound and The Fury, Red and The Black, Location Back Metal Shelves 20

267 Four Gold Leather Bound Books

Four Gold Leather Bound Books, East of Eden, Mary Queen of Scots, Vanity Fair, Leaves of Grass, Location Back Metal Shelves 20

280 Three Gold Leather Bound Books

Three Gold Leather Bound Books, Farewell to France, Robinson Crusoe, Anna Karenina, Location Back Metal Shelves 20

281 Six Gold Leather Bound Books

Six Gold Leather Bound Books, Adolf Hitler, Poor Richards, Tale of Two Cities, Pride and Prejudice, Location Back Metal Shelves 20

490 Timpson's Churches Sicily, and Jean, Duke of Berry Books

Timpson's Churches Sicily, and Jean, Duke of Berry Books, Location Right Metal Shelves

616 Reader's Digest Most Scenic Drives in America

Reader's Digest Most Scenic Drives in America , Location Back Metal Shelves

724 Vintage Oak Square Pedestal Table

Vintage Oak Square Pedestal Table, needs tightening, 28"h., 14"w. Location Row 6

762 Indians of the Plains and Mississippi Book

Indians of the Plains and Mississippi Book, Location Right Metal Shelves 28

843 Where Golf is Great Book

Where Golf Is Great Book, Location Right Metal Shelves 29

844 Set of National Geographic Magazine

Set of National Geographic Magazine, Location Right Metal Shelves 28

882 Southern Living Garden Book and Clove Brook Farm Book

Southern Living Garden Book and Clove Brook Farm Book, Location Front Left Shelves

967 Group of Informational Books

Old Time Tools Toys, Black Collectibles, Toys and Dolls, Character Sketches, Location Right Metal Shelves

976 Group of Informational Books

American Antiques, Guns, Character Sketches, Location Right Metal Shelves

1111 Pine Octagon Small Pedestal Table

Pine Octagon Small Pedestal Table, 15"h., 21"w.

1339 World Book Encyclopedia Collection

World Book Encyclopedia Collection, in box, Location Right Metal Shelves