

Set of Four Mahogany Contemporary Pennsylvania House Queen Anne Style Chairs
2161 Set of Four Mahogany Contemporary Pennsylvania House Queen Anne Style Chairs

Set of Four Mahogany Contemporary Pennsylvania House Queen Anne Style Chairs, two arms, two legs; 22" w., 18" d., 40" h.

Victorian Walnut Balloon Back Chairs
2605 Victorian Walnut Balloon Back Chairs

Victorian Walnut Balloon Back Chairs, finger roll; 18" w., 16 1/2" d., 34 1/2" h.

Empire Side Chair
2607 Empire Side Chair

Empire Side Chair; 17 1/2" w., 14" d., 33" h.

Vintage Kitchen Chair/Ladder
2609 Vintage Kitchen Chair/Ladder

Vintage Kitchen Chair/Ladder; 13" w., 10" d., 35 1/2" h.

Empire Side Chair
2610 Empire Side Chair

Empire Side Chair, with saper leg; 17 1/2" w., 16" d., 32" h.

Victorian Rose Carved Side Chair
2613 Victorian Rose Carved Side Chair

Victorian Rose Carved Side Chair, needs restoration; 17" w., 17" d., 34 1/2" h.

Child's High Back Chair
2791 Child's High Back Chair

Child's High Back Chair; 9" w., 31" h.

Set of Six Mahogany Queen Anne Style Chairs
2825 Set of Six Mahogany Queen Anne Style Chairs

Set of Six Mahogany Queen Anne Style Chairs; two arms, four sides; 22 1/2" w., 19 1/2" d., 38 1/2" h.

Two Early American Primitive Side Chairs
2828 Two Early American Primitive Side Chairs

Two Early American Primitive Side Chairs; 15" w., 33 1/2" h.

Set of Five Vintage Dining Chairs
2862 Set of Five Vintage Dining Chairs

Set of Five Vintage Dining Chairs, covered in horse hair; 19 1/2" w., 19 1/2" d., 35" h.

Yew Wood Early 20th Century English Captain's Chair
2894 Yew Wood Early 20th Century English Captain's Chair

Yew Wood Early 20th Century English Captain's Chair purchased in 1979, needs repair to arm; 26" w., 18" d., 31" h.

Single Mission Style Side Chair with Rush Seat
2897 Single Mission Style Side Chair with Rush Seat

Single Mission Style Side Chair with Rush Seat from Papua-New Guinea, natural vine seat, no nails, made in 1960 by trade student at mission school; 15 1/2" w., 16" d., 35" h.

Contemporary Rattan Chair
2902 Contemporary Rattan Chair

Contemporary Rattan Chair; 24 1/2" w., 21" d., 40 1/2" h.

Shaker Style Child's Chair
2924 Shaker Style Child's Chair

Shaker Style Child's Chair; 15 1/2" w., 30" h., 11 1/2"

Contemporary Wicker Side Chair
2990 Contemporary Wicker Side Chair

Contemporary Wicker Side Chair; 19" w., 19" d., 46 1/2" h.

Pair of Contemporary Queen Anne Arm Chairs
2991 Pair of Contemporary Queen Anne Arm Chairs

Pair of Contemporary Queen Anne Arm Chairs, covered in flame stitch; 25" w., 24" d., 35" h.

Contemporary Club Chair
2992 Contemporary Club Chair

Contemporary Club Chair; 27 1/2" w., 35" d., 28 1/2" h.

Set of Six Oak Side Chairs
3005 Set of Six Oak Side Chairs

Set of Six Oak Side Chairs; 17" w., 16" d., 37 1/2" h.

Queen Anne Arm Chair
3012 Queen Anne Arm Chair

Queen Anne Arm Chair; 22" w., 21" d., 41" h.

Two Club Chairs Covered in Burgundy Upholstery with Ottoman
3013 Two Club Chairs Covered in Burgundy Upholstery with Ottoman

Two Club Chairs Covered in Burgundy Upholstery (32" w., 30" d., 32" h.) with Ottoman (28" w., 21" d., 12" h.)

Three Matching Oak and Leather Chairs along with One Odd Oak Side Chair
3050 Three Matching Oak and Leather Chairs along with One Odd Oak Side Chair

Pair of Leather Seat and Back Eastlake Parlor Chairs
3051 Pair of Leather Seat and Back Eastlake Parlor Chairs

Four Oak Slat Back Chairs
3052 Four Oak Slat Back Chairs

Two Modern Chairs
3054 Two Modern Chairs

Four Pine Dining Chairs
3055 Four Pine Dining Chairs

Two Walnut Ladder Back Chairs
3056 Two Walnut Ladder Back Chairs

Two Oak Art Deco Chairs
3057 Two Oak Art Deco Chairs

Oak Cane Seat Chair and an Oak Spindle Back Cane Seat Chair
3058 Oak Cane Seat Chair and an Oak Spindle Back Cane Seat Chair

Pair of Walnut Balloon Back Chairs
3059 Pair of Walnut Balloon Back Chairs

Mahogany Arm Chair
3060 Mahogany Arm Chair

Child's Chair
3089 Child's Chair

Child's Chair; 26" h.

Pair of Oak Art Deco Chairs
3148 Pair of Oak Art Deco Chairs

Two Vintage Wood Beach Chairs
3200 Two Vintage Wood Beach Chairs

Side Chair with Cane Seat
3226 Side Chair with Cane Seat

Side Chair with Cane Seat; 16" w., 35 1/2" h.

Set of Six Contemporary Side Chairs
3241 Set of Six Contemporary Side Chairs

Contemporary Office Chair
3242 Contemporary Office Chair

Two Victorian Cane Seat Side Chairs
3244 Two Victorian Cane Seat Side Chairs

Two Victorian Can Seat Side Chairs; 18" w.

Iron Swivel Office Chair
3345 Iron Swivel Office Chair