

Antique Landscape Oil Painting
0228 Antique Landscape Oil Painting

Antique Landscape Oil Painting, has age cracking, gold gilt framed, unsigned, 25"h., 34"w.

Vintage Oil Painting of Tribe by River
0238 Vintage Oil Painting of Tribe by River

Vintage Oil Painting of Tribe by River, on canvas, unframed, signed lower right corner, has age wear, 20"h., 30"w.

Vintage Oil Painting on Board
0260 Vintage Oil Painting on Board

Vintage Oil Painting on Board, double sided painting, artist is unknown, description tag has worn off, wood framed, 15"h., 19"w.

Oil Painting of Mountain Landscape by Marilyn Innman
0270 Oil Painting of Mountain Landscape by Marilyn Innman

Oil Painting of Mountain Landscape by Marilyn Innman, Oxford, MS artist, oil on canvas, framed, 29"h., 35"w.

Antique Oil Painting of Creek and Woods
0272 Antique Oil Painting of Creek and Woods

Antique oil paintings of creek and woods, signed lower left Louqbrier 1917, gold gilt ornate framed, 26"w., 18"h.

Creek Landscape Painting of Canvas
0300 Creek Landscape Painting of Canvas

Creek Landscape Painting of Canvas, signed lower left, modern framed, 19"h., 22"w.

Pastel of Horse by Fran Sam
0319 Pastel of Horse by Fran Sam

Pastel of Horse by Fran Sam, Oxford, MS artist, matted, framed, 22"w., 18"w.

Original Pastel of Winter Fishing by Hunt
0466 Original Pastel of Winter Fishing by Hunt

Original Pastel of Winter Fishing by Hunt, glassed, gold gilt framed, 19"h., 24"w.

Portrait of Woman Pastel by Marx
0510 Portrait of Woman Pastel by Marx

Portrait of Woman Pastel by Marx, 1975, on paper, matted, framed, 30"h., 25"w.

Oil Painting of Farm by Louis Risher
0544 Oil Painting of Farm by Louis Risher

Oil Painting of Farm by Louis Risher, oil on canvas, framed, 28"h., 24"w.