

0891 Impressionism Art Books

The Great Book of French Impressionism, The New Painting Impressionism 1874-1886, Impressionist and Post Impressionist Paintings, Master Pieces of Impressionism and Post Impressionism.

0892 Renaissance and Enlightenment Books

The Age of the Renaissance, The Eighteenth Century (Europe in the Aged of Enlightenment.

0917 Great French Paintings and Picasso

Great French Paintings from Barnes Foundation, Picasso and Portraitue.

0918 Two Byzantium Books

Byzantium Faith and Power, The Glory of Byzantium (art and culture of the middle Byzantine Era.

0933 Impressionism Art Books

Origins of Impressionism, The Impressionists, The Impressionists A Retrospective, The Art of The Impressionists,

0934 Five Collectible Art Books

Hidden Treasures Revealed, Arcimboldo the Marvelous, Encyclopedia of Art Hourticq, Infanta Adventure and the Lost Manet, The Rhinoceros.

0959 Old Masters Book

Old Masters Thyssen Bornemisza Museum

0965 Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Books

Beyond Representation, Possessing the Past.

0977 Five Provence and New Orleans Books

The Most Beautiful Villages of Provence, New Orleans then and now, Newcomb Memorial Collage, Louisiana's Art Nouveu, French Paintings of Three Centuries.