

0322 Hand Painted Nippon Porcelain Vase

Floral flower pattern design, gold beaded around rim, 7"h.

0323 Hand Painted European Scene Porcelain Egg

Blue, gold embossed, with stand, 11"h.

0324 Hand Painted RS Prussia Plate

Floral pattern design, handled plate, 12"dia.

0375 Echt Altmann Norcrest Three Galloping Stallions

N marked, porcelain, J. Stewart, German porcelain company, 14"h., 18"w.

0546 Hand Painted Nippon Style Porcelain Bowl

Rose pattern, gold embossed, handled, 7"w.

0550 Hand Painted RS Prussia Pitcher

Rose and flower pattern, handled, missing top, 9"h.

0551 Three Pieces of RS Prussia

Hand painted sugar (missing top), RS Prussia creamer 3"h., RS Prussia Mug.

0563 Royal Worchester Hand Painted Porcelain Bowl

Handled, England, 7"dia., 3"h.

0564 Hand Painted Japanese Floral Bowl

Lily flower pattern, gold embossed, 2"h., 7"dia.

0821 Boehm Flowers and Capdimonte Flower

Porcelain Boehm flowers, Capdimonte basket of flowers.