Yundle Directory: Associations & Clubs

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Diamond level member
Birmingham, Michigan 48012-2278
United States

view phone 248-549-6026

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Chicago Photographic Collectors Society

Chicago Photographic Collectors Society Chicago Photographic Collectors Society Chicago Photographic Collectors Society Chicago Photographic Collectors Society Chicago Photographic Collectors Society (0 Reviews)

If you are interested in the history of photography, a collector of antique and collectable cameras, images and equipment, a novice or a knowledgeable collector, come join the Chicago Photographic Collectors Society.

Diamond level member

Bay Area Photographica Association

Bay Area Photographica Association Bay Area Photographica Association Bay Area Photographica Association Bay Area Photographica Association Bay Area Photographica Association (0 Reviews)

PPGBA is committed to promoting the quality and growth of the profession, keeping members informed about our industry, and helping fellow photographers by sharing their collective experience.

Diamond level member
San Mateo, California 94402-0018
United States

view phone 650/367-1265

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Puget Sound Photographic Collectors Society

Puget Sound Photographic Collectors Society Puget Sound Photographic Collectors Society Puget Sound Photographic Collectors Society Puget Sound Photographic Collectors Society Puget Sound Photographic Collectors Society (0 Reviews)

Founded in 1979, the Puget Sound Photographic Collectors Society is a non-profit organization of more than 200 members. The members have a wide diversity of interests and expertise.

Diamond level member
300 Pease Rd
Cle Elum, Washington 98922
United States

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Diamond level member
Louisville, Kentucky 40257
United States

view phone (502) 895-7272

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The Movie Machine Society

The Movie Machine Society The Movie Machine Society The Movie Machine Society The Movie Machine Society The Movie Machine Society (0 Reviews)

The Society is devoted to collecting, displaying and preservation of movie machinery, and the sharing of information with all persons and entities interested in the technological history of the devises designed to create moving images.

Diamond level member
1414 Dorset Lane
Wynnewood, Pennsylvania 19096
United States

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Nikon Historical Society

in Associations & Clubs | Specialty: Nikon
Nikon Historical Society Nikon Historical Society Nikon Historical Society Nikon Historical Society Nikon Historical Society (0 Reviews)

The Nikon Historical Society is open to ALL friends of Nikon!

Diamond level member

Zeiss Historica Society

in Associations & Clubs | Specialty: Zeiss
Zeiss Historica Society Zeiss Historica Society Zeiss Historica Society Zeiss Historica Society Zeiss Historica Society (0 Reviews)

Zeiss Historica is a nonprofit, educational organization that is dedicated to the research and preservation of the history of the Carl Zeiss optical firm, its affiliates, subsidiaries, people and products from its founding in 1846 to the present.

Diamond level member
Mount Kisco, New York 10549
United States

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National Wood Carvers Association

National Wood Carvers Association National Wood Carvers Association National Wood Carvers Association National Wood Carvers Association National Wood Carvers Association (0 Reviews)

NWCA's aims are to promote woodcarving and fellowship among its members, encourage eshibitions and area get-togethers, list tool and wood suppliers- in short, anything that aids the carver and/or whittler.

Diamond level member
Cincinnati, Ohio 45243
United States

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American Association ofor State and Local History

American Association ofor State and Local History American Association ofor State and Local History American Association ofor State and Local History American Association ofor State and Local History American Association ofor State and Local History (0 Reviews)

AASLH provides leadership and support for its members who preserve and interpret state and local history in order to make the past more meaningful to all Americans.

Diamond level member
1717 Church Street
Nashville, Tennessee 37203-2991
United States

view phone 615-320-3203 - view fax 615-327-9013

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