The purpose of the Carolina Geological Society is to promote geosciences, especially within the state of North and South Carolina.
Yundle Directory: Associations & Clubs / Collectibles
Middle Tennessee Gem and Mineral Society

The Mid-Tennessee Gem and Mineral Society is a non-profit 501(c)(3) educational society dedicated to the study and enjoyment of the earth sciences.
Knoxville Gem and Mineral Society

We are a group of individuals interested in gems, minerals, the lapidary arts, and fossils. We meet once a month for programs on one of the club interests, for fellowship, and for fun.
American Federation of Mineralogical Societies

The purpose of AFMS is to promote popular interest and education in the various Earth sciences, and to sponsor and provide means of coordinating the work and efforts of all persons and group interested therein.
Fallbrook Gem and Mineral Society

The vision of the Fallbrook Gem and Mineral Society is to become an internationally recognized scientific and educational resource.
Fallbrook, California 92028
United States
Everett Rock and Gem Club

The Everett Rock and Gem Club shall be to bring together persons who have chosen, as their hobby, the collection of rocks, fossils, minerals and gemstones, the practice of lapidary art, and jewelry making.
Cottage Industry Miniaturists Trade Association, Inc.

The Cottage Industry Miniaturists Trade Association, Inc. (CIMTA, Inc.) is a not-for-profit organization run partially by volunteers whose regular membership is limited to handcrafters of dollhouse miniatures.
Rogers, Arkansas 72756
United States
International Guild of Miniature Artisans

The primary goal of The Guild is to promote fine miniatures as an art form, thus removing them from the category of crafts.
Cushman Club of America

Cushman Scooters are American Classics and a fantasic hobby for all ages
Vintage BMW Motorcycle Owners, Ltd.

Vintage BMW Motorcycle Owners is dedicated to the preservation, enjoyment and use of Classic (1970-on, at least 25 years old), Vintage (1948-1969) and Antique (1923-1945) BMW motorcycles.