The Register was established in 1975, with the sole objective of promoting the restoration, preservation, and enjoyment of the
Yundle Directory: Associations & Clubs / Automobiles
American MGB Association

The American MGB Association is North America's oldest and largest club for all MGBs, MGB-GTs and Midgets.
All American Car Club

We wanted to have a place where we could showcase the cars we love so much and to make new friends that went through the same thing we did.
Vintage Micro Car Club

The Vintage Microcar Club is dedicated to the enjoyment and preservation of Vintage Microcars, both foreign and domestic.
Oldsmobile Club of America, Inc.

Established in 1971, the Oldsmobile Club of America (OCA) covers all phases of the collector car hobby.
National Antique Oldsmobile Club, Inc.

The NAOC is devoted to encouraging the preservation, restoration and public display of the products of the former Oldsmobile Division of General Motors built from 1897 through 1976.
Opel Motorsports Club

OMC is an independent US-based auto club, that specializes in German-Made 1968-1975 Opels.
The Packard Club

The Packard Club is dedicated to presering originality in the products and history of The Packard Motor Car Company of Detroit, Michigan, a manufacturer of one of the greatest marques in world history.
Packards International Motor Car Club

The purpose of Packards International Motor Car Club is the preservation and promotion of all Packard automobiles and all material pertaining to them.
Santa Ana, California 92701
United States
Pierce-Arrow Society, Inc.

With over 1000 members world-wide, the Pierce-Arrow Society offers members award winning