The IAA was founded in 1955 to serve cartridge collectors and professionals in the areas of ammunition research and forensics.
Yundle Directory: Associations & Clubs / Firearms
Browing Collectors Association

The ONLY collectors association dedicated to the preservation of Browning and Fabrique Nationale Firearms.
Colt Collectors Association

TheAssociation was founded in 1980 by a group of avid collectors of Colt firearms and Colt memorabilia.
Marlin Firearms Collectors Association

Our purpose shall be to organize and maintain a membership for educational, charitable, scientific and literary purposes.
The Ohio Gun Collectors Association

O.G.C.A. is a non-profit corporation that promotes friendship for those interested in the collection, possession, and use of arms by responsible persons.
Winchester Arms Collectors Association

Winchester Arms Collectors Association (W.A.C.A.) is a non-profit tax-exempt corporation and an international organization comprised of over 2,200 members devoted to the preservation, understanding and collecting of Winchester firearma.
Sharps Collector Association

The Sharps Collector Association was formed in 1993 to study the firearms of Christian Sharps and the Sharps Companies.
Potomac Arms and Collectors Association

The Potomac Arms Collectors' Association (P.A.C.A.) was established in 1955 to serve the needs and interests of collectors' of antique, historic, and modern arms in the Washington, DC area.