We are a professional appraisal firm, working primarily in North Carolina and Virginia. For items within our area of specialization, including Asian items
Yundle Directory: Experts and Appraisers
Kerwick Appraisals

Located in the Fort Lauderdale, Florida area, Kerwick Appraisals specializes in accurate valuations of Antiques & Residential Contents, Oriental Rugs, Silver, and more.
Marvin & Whitehurst Appraisal Group, Inc.

Marvin & Whitehurst Appraisal Group, Inc. has been trusted by the legal community, bank trust officers, accountants and guardians for more than 20 years. Clients can count on our professionalism, experience and confidentiality.
Euster Personal Property Appraisals

Our specialties cover all residential contents including: fine art, china, silver, furniture, Oriental carpets and collectibles.
Nostalgia Antique Appraisal

Nostalgia Antique Appraisal Services assist clients in determining value for Fine Antiques and Decorative Arts.
Alexander Appraisal & Estate Services

Houston’s premier choice for professional estate liquidation and appraisals. Need to liquidate an estate or business in Houston, the U.S., or over seas? Contact Deborah Alexander of Alexander Appraisal and Estate Services in Houston.
Olde Adobe Antiques

Thirty-Nine years actively buying and selling in the antique market, presently an antique dealer in Soquel, CA where I have been conducting Estate Sales and Appraisals in many of the local homes over the past eighteen years.

Auctioneer Over 40 years experience selling antiques, fine art, specialty collectibles, and estates. Oliver's, Inc. was founded by Richard W. Oliver in 1970 (1970 -1992).
O'Neal's Antiques

We offer expert appraisals from antique furniture to jewelry and even appraisals for insurance policies.