Alabama Self Storage Association


This ALSSA association will help everyone in the Self Storage Industry in Alabama. A group with a strong, single voice is heard loud and clear in Montgomery.

Contact Information

Mobile, Alabama 36652-2904
United States

view phone 205-685-0244

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Diamond level member


Mission Statement: To provide a powerful network of information and a wealth of experience to those who are part of our wish to enter the self storage industry; To define and assert standards of excellence in the self storage industry within the state of Alabama; To provide opportunities for members to increase their knowledge of the industry through research, discussion and the exchange of information; To support, communicate and cooperate with the national Self Storage Association (SSA) as a chapter affiliate; To protect our members from adverse legislative actions and monitor all legal cases involving self storage in the state; The Association is comprised of owners whose facilities range from one small building to multiple locations with thousands of units.

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