Antique Outboard Motor Club
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United States
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Outboard motors have been manufactured for over 100 years. Therefore, it is no surprise that a number of people should become interested in collecting antique outboards. The interest became so widespread that by 1960, antique outboard collectors began to correspond with one another. In October 1965, five collectors planned and organized "The Antique Outboard Motor Club". In January of 1966, the first issue of "The Antique Outboarder" was printed. Thirty copies were mailed to members. By October of 1966, membership had increased to more than 200 people in several countries. Our growth continues with membership now in the area of 3,000 dedicated members from (currently) 14 countries. A number of antique outboarders are "old-timers" who are motor and boating enthusiasts of long standing, or who have been involved in the manufacture of outboards. Other members just collect old outboards - a few members owning several hundred! Collecting is fun and exciting; some of these outboards are 5-cylinder, radial engine, tractor lower units, underwater engine, air drive units and folding motors - all typical forerunners of modern outboards.