Automatic Musical Instrument Collectors Association
AMICA was founded in San Francisco in 1963. Its goal has always been to introduce people from all walks of life to the beauty and value of automatic musical instruments.Contact Information
53685 Avenida BermudasLa Quinta, California 92253-3586
United States
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The Automatic Musical Instrument Collectors' Association is an educational non-profit organization with worldwide appreciation of historic automatic musical instruments. AMICA provides a lively forum for the sharing of the many aspects of our hobby, and ... A collection isn't necessary to belong. AMICA was founded in San Francisco in 1963. Its goal has always been to introduce people from all walks of life to the beauty and value of automatic musical instruments. AMICA has prevented the destruction of many fine rare instruments that have been restored to their former glory. Not only that, but AMICA has placed many instruments in places where the general public can see, hear and enjoy these glorious instruments from the past. Our members' interests vary widely from collecting instruments and rolls and related items, from fascination with the mechanisms to interest in the history and the technicians and the artists to just plain listening to the music of these amazing instruments.