Baltimore Bead Society
The Baltimore Bead Society is a regional organization in Maryland of bead enthusiasts, creative artists, and jewelry designers across a broad spectrum of bead-related and jewelry-making fields.Contact Information
8510 High Ridge RoadEllicott City, Maryland 21043
United States

The Baltimore Bead Society is a regional organization in Maryland of bead enthusiasts, creative artists, and jewelry designers across a broad spectrum of bead-related and jewelry-making fields. We learn and work together, sharing our common interests in beading, in jewelry techniques, and in understanding beads within history and cultures throughout the world. Founded over 20 years ago, we are a non-profit educational, artistic, and philanthropic organization under IRS section 501(c)(3). We have grown since then in number and diversified in interests covering every aspect of jewelry techniques, materials, and creative design. Activities include bead-related community outreach programs.