Brewery Collectibles Club of America
Whether you're a hardcore collector or a passive 'accumulator' of beer stuff, the BCCA has a spot for you. With thousands of members worldwide you can be sure you'll find fellow collectors who share the same interest you do.Contact Information
747 Merus CourtFenton, Missouri 63026-2092
United States

Over the ensuing years, the hobby has matured. Less serious collectors have dropped out, leaving the core membership of the BCCA to be collectors with stronger passion, larger collections and greater interest in the survival and growth of the club. As a result of their stewardship the BCCA remains the premier club in the hobby. And brewery-related items are now taken very seriously as collectibles. The spectacular growth in the 1990s of microbrewing has helped to foster a renewed interest in breweriana collecting. Micro items are in high demand, and BCCA membership is on the rise. New members are signing up and many collectors who were active in the '70s and '80s are rejoining. The club now boasts more than 4,000 active members from all 50 states and 27 foreign countries. Today our club publishes a professional, full-color 48-page bimonthly magazine, stages an annual CANvention that attracts an average of 1000 members, is involved in a national brewery museum effort, hosts a comprehensive Web site, and has published the hobby's premier beer can reference guide. We've come a long, long way since 1970!