Brimfield Historical Society and the Kelso House Museum
The Brimfield Historical Society aims to inspire the community by collecting, preserving and exhibiting artifacts from the townshipContact Information
4158 State Route 43Brimfield, Ohio 44240-6916
United States

The Kelso House Museum uses five rooms for exhibits that are open to the public. Displays on the first floor include an 1843 beam loom and a gallery that offers an assortment of special exhibits. The parlor, decorated in Victorian style, includes an organ and horsehair sofa while the kitchen features a wood-burning stove. In the upstairs bedrooms are many Kelso family items, including a low poster bed and a quilt made by Lucy Kelso. The park-like grounds of the Kelso House includes several buildings and numerous items relevant to the early history of the community: The Granary houses an antique tool exhibit that is open for viewing by appointment. The double-bayed Boosinger Corn Crib anchors the northeast corner of the property and is used for storage. The restored Garden Shed stands adjacent to the back porch of the Kelso House and holds garden tools. A millstone from nearby Plum Creek Mill rests near the Memorial Herb Garden. The original Town Hall Bell sits adjacent to the front door of the main building. The Michael-Cable Barn, an example of an early 19th century New England-style farm building, serves many functions for BHS. That structure was moved to the Kelso House grounds in 1991.