Chicago Photographic Collectors Society
If you are interested in the history of photography, a collector of antique and collectable cameras, images and equipment, a novice or a knowledgeable collector, come join the Chicago Photographic Collectors Society.Contact Information
United States

The Chicago Photographic Collectors Society was founded in 1971 and is chartered by the State of Illinois as a not-for-profit organization. It was started by a group of photo image and antique camera collectors, who wished to share and enhance their knowledge of the history of photography, with others with similar interests. Now almost 4 decades later, it remains one of the better known and respected groups of its kind. Most of our members are from the Chicago area but several are from other states. Through its frequent meetings, mailings, and by the articles on this web site, it has shared knowledge and the exchange of ideas regarding the collection and preservation of photographics with other collectors and the general public.