Chris Craft Antique Boat Club
The Chirs-Craft Antique Boat Club is dedicated to research, documentation, and preservation of all classic Chris-Craft Boats.Contact Information
Edmond, Oklahoma 73003-0003United States
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The Chris-Craft Antique Boat Club was formed to be of assistance to our more than 3,600 members throughout the world. Most of our members own Chris-Crafts, but that is not a prerequisite to membership. We welcome anyone with an interest in classic and antique Chris-Crafts or classic boats in general. The Chris-Craft Antique Boat Club is dedicated to research, documentation, and preservation of all classic Chris-Craft boats. As the longest-standing marque club in the world, our purpose is to exchange information, build camaraderie among members, and provide education about classic Chris-Crafts. The Chris-Craft Antique Boat Club is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) organization, which authorizes our club to extend tax-exemption credit to persons making contributions or gifts