Contemporary Historical Vehicle Association
The purpose of the club is to provide a place where publications and activities will be designed to cater to this particular era of vehicles and auto-related memories.Contact Information
Redding, California 96049United States
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The Contemporary Historical Vehicle Association (CHVA) was first presented as an idea in December 1966. By March 1967, through small advertisements, enough nationwide interest had made it clear many old car fans wanted such a club. CHVA was born at that time, and endeavors to give all the benefits of a large, all-encompassing club dedicated to the preservation of the Depression/World War II era and later vehicles. CHVA has by-laws, which assure democratic operation, both now and in the future, and is a non-profit organization incorporated in the state of Virginia. The purpose of the club is to provide a place where publications and activities will be designed to cater to this particular era of vehicles and auto-related memories. We feel these vehicles deserve a place where those people who consider them to be of historical and sentimental value, can follow those convictions in fellowship with people of similar interest. At the time of it