Figural Bottle Opener Collectors Club
At the yearly convention members meet, trade and participate in a figural bottle opener auction, which provides attendees with an excellent opportunity to add to their collections.Contact Information
1774 N. 675 EKewana, Indiana 46939
United States

On May 20, 1978, a group of 12 figural bottle opener collectors convened in Ephrata, Pennsylvania and formed the Figural Bottle Opener Club. (FBOC). At this meeting a committee was formed to draft bylaws and establish a code of ethics. The meeting became known as the club's convention and, since that time, conventions have been held on an annual basis. Members now total over one hundred and hail from more than 25 states, including locations as distant as Maine and California. At the yearly convention members meet, trade and participate in a figural bottle opener auction, which provides attendees with an excellent opportunity to add to their collections. At this time, club directors review and approve recently-found openers which qualify for inclusion in the club's listing. Some of these are newly-produced by individual artisans or private companies. Members also resolve and discuss club issues, such as the quarterly newsletter, publicity, next year's convention site, etc.