Florida Bibliophile Society
The men and women of the Florida BibliophileContact Information
St. Petersburg, Florida 33731United States
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The men and women of the Florida Bibliophile Society are book lovers from all walks of life who have been meeting and talking about books since 1983. We meet at 1:30 p.m. on the third Sunday of each month from September to May. During the summer, we go on "sabbatical" and check out our favorite book haunts far and wide for that special find. Meetings alternate monthly between Pinellas and Hillsborough counties, usually at the Seminole Community Library in Seminole or the MacDonald-Kelce Library on the University of Tampa campus. Meeting locations and directions are published in the quarterly FBS newsletter, as well as here on this website. We have guest speakers, book auctions, holiday parties, annual banquets, and more. In short, we have fun. Annual dues are $30 for each household, so a family living at the same address all can be members for one membership fee; and, Society members who do not reside in the Tampa Bay area pay annual dues of $25 per household.