Germanna Historical Site and Visitor's Center
Germanna strives to provide a wealth of resources for celebrating Virginia history and the role of Germanna in that history.Contact Information
2062 Germanna HwyLocust Grove, Virginia 22508
United States

We invite you to come visit us and enjoy the beautiful scenery and unique architecture found in this area of Virginia so rich in history. This land speaks of a great triumph of the human spirit and the rich legacy of colonial Virginia. The grounds of the center are located close to the site of the original Germanna Fort which Governor Alexander Spotswood caused to be built near the Rapidan River to house the first German immigrants that came to Virginia in 1714. The Germanna Fort may not be the most famous pentagon in Virginia but it was the first! Displays at the center include an antique bronze sculpture of a German Iron Assayist from Siegen, Germany. This area has a centuries-old history of iron mining, smelting, and working. This regional history was so strong that Alexander Spotswood saw the Germans as a labor force for the mining of silver ore deposits he hoped to develop in the Germanna area. The Germanna Visitors Center and Library proudly sits on historic ground near where the original German immigrants lived and worked. Other historic sites are within easy driving distance of the Visitor's Center and Library. Civil War enthusiasts can find many nearby sites to visit, including Cedar Mountain, The Wilderness, Chancellorsville and Fredericksburg to name a few. The local communities of Culpeper and Fredericksburg offer any visitor a wealth of fun places to see and visit.