International Scouting Collectors Association
The International Scouting Collectors Association (ISCA) is a non-profit organization that promotes education regarding the history of the Scouting Movement through the collecting and trading of Scouting Memorabilia.Contact Information
800 Painted Shore CtOakley, California 94561-3541
United States

All members of the International Scouting Collectors Association (ISCA) subscribe to a Code of Ethics to insure fair trading practices amongst its members. All members sign a statement subscribing to this Code. I will: Set an example in which all ISCA members will take prides; Consciously, fairly represent items of Scout memorabilia; Always follow the rules of the event that apply to trading; Extend the hand of friendship to all Collectors; Trade or sell no patch that I know to be a fake or reproduction without disclosing the fact; Help new collectors get started; Impress on new collectors the importance of ethics in trading; Currently be eligible to be registered in Scouting; Strive for fairness in all actions consistent with the Scout Oath & Law.