Knoxville Gem and Mineral Society
We are a group of individuals interested in gems, minerals, the lapidary arts, and fossils. We meet once a month for programs on one of the club interests, for fellowship, and for fun.Contact Information
Knoxville, Tennessee 37950-1554United States
Diamond level member

We are a group of individuals interested in gems, minerals, the lapidary arts, and fossils. We meet once a month for programs on one of the club interests, for fellowship, and for fun. We have picnics in May and September, and a banquet in December. In other months we have monthly meetings on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7:30 pm. The Society is open to everyone; children and youth are especially welcome. The club also goes on field trips around the area. On these field trips we dig, collect, have fun and learn. Club members share their knowledge and friendship with newcomers.