Lake Winnipesaukee Museum
Collections: Historic photographs of lake boats, communities and individuals; 1,000 historic and vintage postcards of the lake and surrounding communities; artifacts recovered from the bottom of the lake from well-known 1800's and 1900's vesselsContact Information
503 Endicott Street NWeirs, New Hampshire 03246
United States

To preserve and promote the history and heritage of Lake Winnipesaukee. The Lake Winnipesaukee Historical Society is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to promote and preserve the history and heritage of Lake Winnipesaukee and vicinity. The Lake Winnipesaukee Historical Society fulfills this mission in large part through the summer hours at the Lake Winnipesaukee Museum. See the pertinent sections on this web site for details on hours, directions, exhibits and events. For your use, historical information is organized at the Museum by topic in easily accessible binders. Historical inquiries can be researched by Museum staff by using these files, our collections and many contacts in the area, while referrals to other historical societies, museums or organizations are provided when appropriate. Bob Lawton and son, Tim, founded the Lake Winnipesaukee Historical Society in 1985, after years of living on and scuba diving in the lake, with the goal of opening a facility dedicated to the rich history of Lake Winnipesaukee. This goal was realized in June 2004 when the Museum opened.