Maine Antique Digest
The Maine Antique Digest was started by Sam and Sally Pennington in Waldoboro, Maine, in 1973 and is still published from a building in the small downtown village on the midcoast of Maine. The first issue was mailed to five subscribers in November 1973.Contact Information
911 Main StreetWaldoboro, Maine 04572
United States

M.A.D. continues to be a must-read for those who are serious about the antiques market, particularly Americana. There is no other publication quite like it, with its reports on shows, auctions, and other market news from across the United States and Canada and a long-running column on the London market. Regular columnists and staff write The Young Collector, Auction Law and Ethics, The Art of Marketing, Computer Column, Antique Jewelry & Gemology, Exhibitions, Books Received, Auction Prices Realized (snippets of auction results), and a monthly profile of successful dealers, In the Trade. The Meeting Place features letters to the editor, club and association news, obituaries, and more.