Moecker Auctions
Moecker Auctions Inc., is an auction company and auctioneer specializing in the valuation and liquidation of assets for trustees, assignees, receivers, estate custodians, and financial institutions. With our headquarters in Fort Lauderdale, FLContact Information
1885 Marina Mile Blvd., Suite 103Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33315
United States

Moecker Auctions Inc., is an auction company and auctioneer specializing in the valuation and liquidation of assets for trustees, assignees, receivers, estate custodians, and financial institutions. With our headquarters in Fort Lauderdale, FL and our services reaching out to surrounding communities all throughout the state of Florida, we have continuously provided professional, experienced and proven auctioneer services for over two decades.
Moecker Auctions stands ready to assist you with the disposition of your assets through an auction. Please contact us if we can help you with one of our upcoming auctions!
As a leader in the sale and resale of equipment and inventory, Moecker Auctions is uniquely positioned to provide accurate values on equipment, inventory, and complete businesses. Utilizing our in-house database, relationships with manufacturers and dealers, knowledge of the ever-changing resale environment, and our staff’s ongoing education we can give your assets an accurate valuation. Consultations for our appraisal services are available without cost or obligation.
Moecker Auctions can handle liquidations of a business through direct sale or a liquidation sale. Usually a liquidation sale refers to Retail locations. Moecker Auctions is capable of handling a single location or multiple locations. We work with the owners/ operators of a business to get the highest return on investment as quickly and efficiently as possible. Please contact us for more information.
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