National Wood Carvers Association
in Associations & Clubs | Specialty: Woodcarving
NWCA's aims are to promote woodcarving and fellowship among its members, encourage eshibitions and area get-togethers, list tool and wood suppliers- in short, anything that aids the carver and/or whittler.Contact Information
Cincinnati, Ohio 45243United States
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Diamond level member

If you whittle, carve, or sculpt wood, chances are you will enjoy membership in the National Wood Carvers Association. Ever since its humber beginning in 1953, the National Wood carvers Association (NWCA) has shown remarkable success and growth, boating members in every U.S. state, plus dozens of foreign countries. NWCA's aims are to promote woodcarving and fellowship among its members, encourage exhibitions and area get-togethers, list tool and wood suppliers- in short, anything that aids the carver and/ or whittler.