Pine Creek Grist Mill
Pine Creek Grist Mill is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and exhibits and interprets the 19th century milling industry.Contact Information
1884 Wilcat Den RdMuscatine, Iowa 52761
United States

The mission of the Friends of the Pine Creek Grist Mill is to restore, preserve and interpret the Pine Creek Grist Mill. Much of the machinery has been restored and the old mill is a great historic site, grinding grain into flour as it was done 160 years ago. The Friends of the Mill interpretive program served thousands of people in 2011. Our visitation during the summer was not a record number, mostly because of the hot weather that closed the mill for ten days and also the early closing in October, but we had thousands of people go through the mill. In addition we served almost a thousand school students and hopefully increased their under-standing of our pioneer heritage. The two big special events were well attended.