Print Club of Albany
The club defines a fine art print as an original piece of art printed by the artist or under his immediate supervision from a plate he /she has made.Contact Information
Albany, New York 12206United States

The club defines a fine art print as an original piece of art printed by the artist or under his immediate supervision from a plate he /she has made. These pieces of art are considered original works of art and are not to be confused with print copies made by offset printing with photolithography methods such as are commonly sold in print and frame shops as fine art. The club does several things that help print collectors and print viewers. Each year the club contracts with a nationally known print artist to create a print for our members. Such a print has been issued every year since 1933! Members receive the print as a gift for being a member. The commissioned prints are called "Presentation Prints." This is an unusual name and only applies to the commissioned prints by Print clubs. The club maintains available past presentation prints for sale to members only who want to add to their collection. The Print Club of Albany has established a permanent collection of prints that are maintained in a secure storage facility. Over 15,000 prints now are maintained representing all phases of printmaking. In addition to prints, the club maintains collections of papers and notes of artists who are represented in the club collection and who contribute them to the club. Educational meetings are held four or more times a year.