Society of Bayonet Collectors
The Society of American Bayonet CollectorsContact Information
2116 Brentwood DriveSavannah, Georgia 31404
United States
My Social Links

The Society of American Bayonet Collectors is dedicated to the study, collecting and preservation of antique and modern bayonets. Our scope of study includes all bayonets, from the earliest plug bayonets to modern assault rifle bayonets and from all nations. This includes related accouterments such as scabbards, frogs, belts, etc. Membership in the society will open new channels of history and collecting to you. If you know others with similar interests please let them know about us. We firmly believe that SABC membership can be beneficial to all bayonet collectors, and particularly to those interested in American models. Arms researchers and historians should also benefit greatly. Many of our members are already internationally recognized in the arms field for books and articles they have published.