The Antiques Dealers Association of Califorinia
The Antiques Dealers Association of California, founded in 1924, is an association of knowledgeable dealers pledged to integrity and fair dealing in the buying and selling of antiques.Contact Information
458 Jackson StreetSan Francisco, California 94111
United States

Membership in the Antiques Dealers Association of California is by invitation only. Prospective members must have maintained premises open to the public in California for a period of at least three years and be nominated by an Association Member. Prospective members must be of good financial repute and engage in ethical business practices; must carry a stock of quality merchandise which is antique (at least 100 years old) or, if of a later date, is of recognized artistic merit in style, construction and materials; must be considered to have expert knowledge in their field and must adhere to the Code of Ethics and Principles of the association.