United States Capital Historical Society
A nonprofit and nonpartisan educational organization created in 1962 to promote the history of the Capitol and Congress.Contact Information
200 Maryland Ave, NE20002
United States

The United States Capitol Historical Society (USCHS), founded in 1962, is chartered by Congress to educate the public on the history and heritage of the U.S. Capitol building, its institutions and the people who have served therein. The U.S. Capitol Historical Society derives its funds from individual and corporate memberships, gifts, grants and the sale of educational items such as the book, We, the People: The Story of the U.S. Capitol, calendars, tourist memorabilia, videos and books of general interest and academic research. With the formal approval of Congress, the Society continues exploring and instituting new and creative ways to bring the fascinating story of the Capitol, its institutions and our national history to people around the world. Society activities include educational tours, scholarly symposia, observances of historic events, enhancement and preservation of the Capitol