Wooden Canoe Heritage Association, Ltd.
The WCHA is a non-profit membership organization devoted to preserving, studying, building, restoring, and using wooden and bark canoes.Contact Information
Tamworth, New Hampshire 3886United States
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The Wooden Canoe Heritage Association is a non-profit membership organization devoted to preserving, studying, building, restoring, and using wooden and bark canoes, and to disseminating information about canoeing heritage throughout the world. The WCHA publishes a journal, Wooden Canoe, six times a year. Each issue is packed with articles about canoe building and restoration, canoe tripping and wildnerness skills, stories about the romance of the wooden canoe, news about the WCHA and its Local Area Chapters, classified ads, and much, much more. Each year, the WCHA hosts its Annual Assembly, a five-day long gathering of wood canoe enthusiasts. The Assembly features workshops and programs on canoe building and restoration, paddling skills, wood canoe history, kids