Woodman Museum
The Woodman is a true turn of the century natural history, local history and art museum that has been around since 1916.Contact Information
182 Central AveDover, New Hampshire 03820
United States

The Woodman is a true turn of the century natural history, local history and art museum that has been around since 1916. Four historic buildings that includes an original 1675 colonial garrison house furnished with period artifacts, the Senator John P. Hale home built in 1813, displays furniture, paintings, fire & police memorabilia, nautical instruments and model ships, a Cocheco Mill exhibit, antique powder horns, tools, toys, dolls, musical instruments, pewter and china. The Woodman House built in 1818, features a fine Civil War exhibit that includes a saddle used by President Lincoln, over 1800 minerals, birds, butterflies, turtles, Indian artifacts, a blue shark and a cougar killed in 1853. The Keefe House built in 1825 preserves historical documents and features special exhibits on loan.