The Alaska Raptor Center's mission is threefold: to provide medical treatment for injured bald eagles and other birds; to teach people about Alaska's birds and environmental conservation; to conduct bald eagle research.
Yundle Directory: United States
Sitka, Alaska 99835
United States
The Antiques Dealers Association of Califorinia

The Antiques Dealers Association of California, founded in 1924, is an association of knowledgeable dealers pledged to integrity and fair dealing in the buying and selling of antiques.
San Francisco, California 94111
United States
Lewis Carroll Society of North America

The Lewis Carroll Society of North America (LCSNA), founded in 1974, is an organization of Carroll admirers of all ages and interests, as well as a virtual center for Carroll studies.
Rathkamp Matchcover Society

Membership in RMS is open to all matchcover and matchbox collectors who are interested in increasing their knowledge of our hobby and developing trading friendships.
Exploratorium San Francisco

The Exploratorium is a twenty-first-century learning laboratory, an eye-opening, always-changing, playful place to explore and tinker.
National Museum of Cambridge Glass

The museum features over 6,000 pieces of glassware made by the Cambridge Glass Company.
Alutiiq Museum

The past meets the present at the Alutiiq Museum, Kodiak's Alaska Native culture center where visitors explore 7,500 years of Alutiiq heritage.