The Magic Lantern Society of the US and Canada is a group that collects, preserves and shares information on the many devices that were used to entertain and educate audiences before the begining of cinema.
Yundle Directory: United States
Boston Map Society

The Boston Map Society was founded in 1994 to bring together people with an interest in collecting, studying, using, and preserving maps.
Mission Viejo, California 92692
United States
Rathkamp Matchcover Society

Membership in RMS is open to all matchcover and matchbox collectors who are interested in increasing their knowledge of our hobby and developing trading friendships.
American Medallic Sculpture Association

he purpose of the American Medallic Sculpture Association (AMSA) is to encourage the creation and study of medallic sculpture in North America.
Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina 29464
United States
Mineralogical Society of America

MSA was founded in 1919 for the advancement of mineralogy, crystallography, geochemistry, petrology, and promotion of their uses in other sciences, industry, and arts.
Chantilly, Virginia 20151-1110
United States
Gem and Mineral Society of Virginia Peninsula

The purpose of GMSVP is to facilitate the exchange of information and general cooperation between its members by promoting the study of lapidary techniques, mineralogy, paleontology, and allied fields of Earth sciences.