We accept quality, gently used furniture and home accessories. The seller receives 55% of the selling price. We carry items for 90 days. Call for an appointment to bring in your "Junque"! 904-644-7162
Yundle Directory: Florida, United States
United States
Gold level member
Gold level member
Gold level member
Gold level member
Gold level member
White Elephant

Li'l store....lotta stuff! Selling EXCEPTIONAL USED FURNITURE, decor items, home goods, vintage collectibles and ol' stuff (AKA: antiques) in Ocala, Florida since 2004
Gold level member
Gold level member
Creating Divine Order

Let our multi-talented and experienced team reduce the stress and time spent as we manage your move. We do this with sensitivity to each family’s culture, age and situation.
Gold level member
Gold level member
Snapdragon Stage and Design
in Home Staging

Our passion is to affordably and creatively help homeowners maximize the value and potential of their home, whether they are offering for sale, or simply wishing to live and entertain in a welcoming environment that beautifully reflects their interests.
Gold level member