Yundle Directory: Michigan, United States

United States
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Delta County Historical Society

Delta County Historical Society Delta County Historical Society Delta County Historical Society Delta County Historical Society Delta County Historical Society (0 Reviews)

The primary objective of this newly formed non-profit organization was to collect local historical materials, preserve them, and present this information to the citizens of Delta County to make them more fully aware of the area's rich past.

Diamond level member
16 Water Plant Road
Escanaba, Michigan 49829
United States

view phone (906) 789-6790

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American Breweriana Association, Inc.

American Breweriana Association, Inc. American Breweriana Association, Inc. American Breweriana Association, Inc. American Breweriana Association, Inc. American Breweriana Association, Inc. (0 Reviews)

Our purpose is to advance the public knowledge of brewing and breweriana; to serve historians and collectors, and dedicated to the preservation of the memories and artifacts of America

Diamond level member
Fort Gratiot, Michigan 48059-5767
United States

view phone (810) 385-7101 - view fax (810) 989-9500

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ASIF Central

ASIF Central ASIF Central ASIF Central ASIF Central ASIF Central (0 Reviews)

Our goals include sharing information, preserving the rights of animators, and promoting progress towards peace and understanding through our unified interest in the art of animation.

Diamond level member
268 LSH School of Communications, GVSU
Allendale, Michigan 49401
United States

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The Dearborn Historical Museum

The Dearborn Historical Museum The Dearborn Historical Museum The Dearborn Historical Museum The Dearborn Historical Museum The Dearborn Historical Museum (0 Reviews)

Visitors to the Dearborn Historical Museum are often surprised to discover the multiple storylines of our local history, even if it

Diamond level member
915 S Brady Rd
Dearborn, Michigan 48124-2322
United States

view phone (313) 565-3000

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Diamond level member
Birmingham, Michigan 48012-2278
United States

view phone 248-549-6026

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American Museum of Magic

American Museum of Magic American Museum of Magic American Museum of Magic American Museum of Magic American Museum of Magic (0 Reviews)

The American Museum of Magic is the largest collection of magic memorabilia open to the public in the nation

Diamond level member
107 East Michigan Avenue
Marshall, Michigan 49068
United States

view phone (269) 781-7570

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Michigan Antique Radio Club

Michigan Antique Radio Club Michigan Antique Radio Club Michigan Antique Radio Club Michigan Antique Radio Club Michigan Antique Radio Club (0 Reviews)

MARC was officially founded October 19, 1985 at the Dillon Inn (now the Hampton Inn) in Lansing, Michigan.

Diamond level member
2150 Wycliffe
W. Bloomfield, Michigan 48323
United States

view phone 734-207-2346

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Kingman Museum

Kingman Museum Kingman Museum Kingman Museum Kingman Museum Kingman Museum (0 Reviews)

Kingman Museum's mission is to provide lifelong learning opportunities in natural history, the universe, and world cultures for all ages for all time.

Diamond level member
175 Limit Street
Battle Creek, Michigan 49037
United States

view phone 269-965-5117

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Albion Historical Society

Albion Historical Society Albion Historical Society Albion Historical Society Albion Historical Society Albion Historical Society (0 Reviews)

The Albion Historical Society works to preserve and display the heritage of the Albion, Michigan area.

Diamond level member
509 S. Superior St.
Albion, Michigan 49224
United States

view phone 517-629-6517

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The Music House Museum

in Museums / Music | Specialty: Music
The Music House Museum The Music House Museum The Music House Museum The Music House Museum The Music House Museum (0 Reviews)

This magical place allows visitors to experience the sounds, science and history of automated music in a beautiful turn-of-the century setting

Diamond level member
7377 US 31 North
Acme, Michigan 49610
United States

view phone (231) 938-9300

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