Yundle Directory: Michigan, United States

United States
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Plush Consignments

Plush Consignments Plush Consignments Plush Consignments Plush Consignments Plush Consignments (0 Reviews)

Plush always aims to carry a selection of trendy, fashionable plus size clothes, shoes, purses, jewelry and much more! We take clothes on consignment in sizes 12 and up as well as shoes, handbags, jewelry, accessories and any other type of clothing or acc

Gold level member
115 W Grand River Ave
Williamston, Michigan 48895
United States

view phone (517) 992-5020

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Action Estate Sales

Action Estate Sales Action Estate Sales Action Estate Sales Action Estate Sales Action Estate Sales (0 Reviews)

Whether it is the estate of your loved one, or you are moving and want to liquidate your estate, there is a tremendous amount of work involved. Let us help by providing a service that can help you maximize your profits and take the stress out for you.

Gold level member
900 Wilshire Drive
Troy, Michigan 48084
United States

view phone 586-228-9090

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Prescott Pawn

Prescott Pawn Prescott Pawn Prescott Pawn Prescott Pawn Prescott Pawn (0 Reviews)

Serving the greater Prescott area since 2003, as well as the surrounding counties.

Gold level member
111 Washington St
Prescott, Michigan 48756
United States

view phone (989) 873-4949

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R.J. Montgomery & Associates

R.J. Montgomery & Associates R.J. Montgomery & Associates R.J. Montgomery & Associates R.J. Montgomery & Associates R.J. Montgomery & Associates (0 Reviews)

Professional auctions, appraisals, liquidations, valuations and other business functions.

Gold level member
165 W. Liberty
Plymouth, Michigan 48170
United States

view phone 734-459-2323

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Phil's Stuff

Phil's Stuff Phil's Stuff Phil's Stuff Phil's Stuff Phil's Stuff (0 Reviews)

Phil Ondersma has been buying and antiques and collectibles for nearly thirty years. 

Gold level member
722 Wealthy Street SE
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503
United States

view phone (616) 581-2510

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Gold level member
2141 Wealthy St SE
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49506
United States

view phone (616) 242-9100

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Giant Motorcycle Swap Meet

Giant Motorcycle Swap Meet Giant Motorcycle Swap Meet Giant Motorcycle Swap Meet Giant Motorcycle Swap Meet Giant Motorcycle Swap Meet (0 Reviews)

Giant Motorcycle Swap Meets is the premier Midwest promoter of swap meets since 1975!

Gold level member
160 E State St
Traverse City, Michigan 49684
United States

view phone (231) 929-7980

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Gold level member
800 Lowell St
Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197
United States

view phone (734) 340-4241

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American Artifacts LLC

American Artifacts LLC American Artifacts LLC American Artifacts LLC American Artifacts LLC American Artifacts LLC (0 Reviews)

If you have a house or business to liquidate you can count on American Artifacts for compassionate, honest, professional and reliable service.

Gold level member
PO Box 250571
W. Bloomfield, Michigan 48322
United States

view phone 248-931-5284

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Quick Cash Pawn & Jewelry

Quick Cash Pawn & Jewelry Quick Cash Pawn & Jewelry Quick Cash Pawn & Jewelry Quick Cash Pawn & Jewelry Quick Cash Pawn & Jewelry (0 Reviews)

Serving the Greater Grand Rapids area since 1995. We are committed to providing our customers with low prices, quality merchandise, and exceptional service.

Gold level member
644 28th St SW
Wyoming, Michigan 49509
United States

view phone (616) 261-4680

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