Smithsonian's Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum is the only museum in the nation devoted exclusively to historic and contemporary design.
Yundle Directory: New York, United States
Franklin D. Roosevelt Library and Museum

The Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum is America's first presidential library -- and the only one used by a sitting president.
Elbert Hubbard Roycraft Museum

he Hubbard Museum combined its acquisitions with the Roycroft collection of George and Gladys ScheideMantel, in the house they had built (1910) by Roycroft Craftsman.
The Foundation for the Study of the Arts and Crafts Movement at Roycroft

It is one of four non-profit organizations dedicated to a Roycroft Renaissance.
Roycrofters At Large Association

The Roycrofters At Large Association (RALA) is an association of juried artisans who create handcrafted work in many medias, and non-artisan friends who support RALA.
International Association of Jazz Record Collectors

An objective of the International Association of Jazz Record Collectors is to maintiain an association of jazz recordings of all eras and styles, whether the collectible medium be 78s, vinyl, CDs, video or films.
Vintage Sports Car Club of America

V.S.C.C.A., Inc. is the oldest automotive preservation club in America that offers a complete race program in addition to rally and other automotive conservation events.
American Pringting History Association

The American Printing History Association (APHA) is a membership organization that encourages the study of the history of printing and related arts and crafts.