The Silver Ghost Association (SGA) is dedicated to the preservation and use of Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost automobiles.
Yundle Directory: Classic
Shelby American Automobile Club

The club is dedicated to the preservation, care, history and enjoyment of the World Championship Cars built by Shelby American.
American Station Wagon Owners Association

The ASWOA an automobile collector club for anyone who loves station wagons. The club is open to all makes and models of wagonsand to anyone who is a fan of wagons, whether they own one or not.
Studebaker Drivers Club

The purpose of the Studebaker Drivers Club (SDC) was, and continues to be, to honor the Studebaker automobile and all of the Studebaker-related products
Coarsegold, California 93614-9662
United States
The Stutz Club

The Stutz Club promotes the preservation of literature, photographs, and artifacts pertaining to the life of Harry Clayton Stutz and Stutz vehicles.
Triumph Roadster Club of North American Affiliates

For those who appreciate and delight in the art and mechanics of vintage motor cars, most particularly the Triumph Roadster, produced in England between 1946 and 1949.
Buffalo Grove, Illinois 60089-7043
United States
Volkswagen Club of America

he Volkswagen Club of America is a not-for-profit hobby club for owners and enthusiasts of Volkswagen and Audi automobiles.
Volvo Club of America

The Volvo Club of America is a volunteer organization, run by and for Volvo owners, enthusiasts, collectors, and restorers.
Vintage BMW Motorcycle Owners, Ltd.

Vintage BMW Motorcycle Owners is dedicated to the preservation, enjoyment and use of Classic (1970-on, at least 25 years old), Vintage (1948-1969) and Antique (1923-1945) BMW motorcycles.