Encyclopedia of Antiques
Louis XV
Louis XV was the great-grandson of Louis the XIV succeeded him to the throne at the young age of five years, and it was not until he took his reign at the proper age that the furniture styles began to change. More graceful lines appeared, and decorations were more ornate than those in the Louis XIV era. His second mistress had much influence in the styling, as did the Chinese.
French women were very conscious of their dress, and perhaps this fact was responsible for the pieces of furniture which were designed. Listed they are: mirrors with beautiful frames, dressing tables, feminine writing desks, corner commodes, and gorgeous canopied beds. Walnut, ebony, and mahogany were favorite woods.
Carvings were many in style, metal inlay was used, and many panels were painted with Chinese scenes.
French women were very conscious of their dress, and perhaps this fact was responsible for the pieces of furniture which were designed. Listed they are: mirrors with beautiful frames, dressing tables, feminine writing desks, corner commodes, and gorgeous canopied beds. Walnut, ebony, and mahogany were favorite woods.
Carvings were many in style, metal inlay was used, and many panels were painted with Chinese scenes.
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