Wisconsin Auction and Auctioneer Laws

Wisconsin Auction and Auctioneer Laws.
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Individual Officers/Persons in Control of an Auction Company Organized as a Corporation, who Knowingly Acquiesce to the Corporation's Criminal Act can be Personally Prosecuted for the Criminal act in name of the Corporation

The Court of Appeals of Wisconsin, in State v. Kuhn, 178 Wis. 2d 428 (Wisconsin 1993) held that individual officers are personally responsible for criminal acts committed in the name of the corporation. The Court found that since a corporation is an individual existing only in contemplation of the law, its criminal acts are those of its officers and agents.  Therefore, individu...

When Sale of Auction Lot Final Wisconsin

Wisconsin Statutes Annotated Uniform Commercial Code (Ch. 401 to 420)  Chapter 402. Uniform Commercial Code--Sales  Subchapter III. General Obligation and Construction of Contract 402.328. Sale by auction (1) In a sale by auction if goods are put up in lots each lot is the subject of a separate sale. (2) A sale by auction is complete when the auctioneer so announces by the fall of ...

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