Group of 12 Hummels

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A grouping of 12 Hummel figures: #479 "I Brought You a Gift" TMK6 Hummel Club Ed., 4"h; #534 "A Nap" TMK7, 2 3/4"h; #2181 "Clear as a Bell" TMK8 Hummel club Ed., 4"h; #549/3/0 "A Sweet Offering" TMK7 Hummel Club Ed., 3 3/4"h; #793 "Forever Yours" TMK7 w/Hummel Club 1st issue gold tag, 4"h; #629 "From Me to You" TMK7 Hummel Club, 3 1/2"h; #493 "Two Hands, One Treat" TMK7 Hummel Club, 4"h; #214/H "Little Tooter" TMK5, 3 3/4"h; #2087/B "Honor Student" TMK8 Hummel Club, 3 3/4"h; #2148/B "First Mate" TMK8 Hummel Club, 4"h; #560 "Lucky Fellow" TMK7 Hummel Club, 3 3/4"h; #630 "For Keeps" TMK7 Hummel Club, 3 3/4"h


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Category: Collectibles | Hummels
Dimension: 1024 x 494

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