Online Only Kalajainen's Boat Store Clean Out


Auction-Online Only
Equipment, Marine

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3285 US 422, New Castle, Pennsylvania, United States

May 23, 2021 at 07:00 am EDT through June 6, 2021 07:00 pm

Sale Items: Equipment, Marine

Description of Sale

Clean-Out of Kalajainen's Boat Sales located on Route 422 in New Castle, PA. Many Hoists, Trailers, Tools and Vintage Boat Parts by OMC and Other Reputable Companies. Owner is Selling the Property and Everything Must GO! Boat Restoration Bidders Needed. Also Many Nautical Collectibles!

101 - Vintage John Deere 650 Tractor Vintage Collector John Deere Compact Utility Tractor - Yanmar Built serial number 0650S 005908

102 - Boat Lift - 2 Ton Boat Lift - 2 Ton Double Hoist, 2 Large Hooks... Triple Phase. Have to bring your own Equipment to take Down. Hire an Insured Person to do so Please

103 - 21' Pontoon Trailer..NO Title 21'X 4' Pontoon Trailer..NO Title - Fits All Pontoon Boats, Movable Axle. Great Condition.

104 - 1 Ton Overhead Hoist Budgit 1 Ton Overhead Hoist - Please Bring Your Own Equipment To Remove. Single Phase

105 - 1 Ton Overhead Hoist Budgit 1 Ton Overhead Hoist - Please Bring Your Own Equipment To Remove. Single Phase

106 - Large Floor Model Air Compressor Large Floor Model Air Compressor -B 335 B. In Running Order.....Please Bring Equipment to Disconnect

107 - Upright Emglo Air Compressor Upright Emglo Air Compressor....On 10' High Shelf, Please Bring Equipment to Disconnect and to remove from the Shelf!

108 - 5' X 8' Tilt Bed Trailer 5' X 8' Tilt Bed Trailer. NO TITLE Please refer to the Pictures for more Details.

109 - Jim Dandy Economy Tractor Jim Dandy Economy Tractor.....Pro...

Sales Images

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