Blue Ocean Medical Ventures, LLC d/b/a Blue Ocean Plastic Surgery
Auction ends/lots close: Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 10:00 A.M. EST
Moecker Auctions, Inc. has been assigned to conduct an auction that will feature professional medical aesthetics equipment and supplies including items such as Mindray A4 Advantage anesthesia system, cosmetic chairs model RG-BS-440410DC1, Ritter M11 Steam Sterilizer model M11-042, Ultra HD Seville classics rolling carts, Ritter 355 illuminating lamp model 355-005 serial HF002173, 3M Bair Hugger 775 rolling cart model 90090, Mindray patient monitor on rolling stand model ePM 10 M, Allergen Diamond glow machine w/stand model A0142 DG serial SP34193, Lumenis AcuPulse system GA-0000070 serial 3414, Optivac G180 Portable Aspirator Model G180 Goncourt, Harloff 6 Drawer Emergency cart, Mindray ePM 12M Patient monitor on push cart w/monitor model ePM 12M, Valleylab Force FX electrosurgical generator on push cart serial F9H, Enthermics fluid warmer model DC 350, Vaser Liposuction machine on cart ref Vaser 2 serial VSR210-0233, Sciton Profile Laser Erbium, medical supplies and instruments, office furniture, office supplies, medical supplies, electronics and related items.
Inspection | Preview date: Wednesday, November 20 from 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. by appointment.
Pick-up | Removal Location: 3863 NW 19 Street, Lauderdale Lakes, FL 33311
Checkout | Removal date: 11/22, 11/25 and 11/26 from 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.
Blue Ocean Medical Ventures, LLC D/b/a Blue Ocean Plastic Surgery
by: Moecker Auctions
Auction-Online Only
Computers and Electronics, Equipment, Furniture, General
November 4, 2024 at 10:00 am EDT through November 21, 2024 10:00 am
Sale Items: Computers and Electronics, Equipment, Furniture, General
Nationally Featured
Description of Sale
Online Auction OnlyBlue Ocean Medical Ventures, LLC d/b/a Blue Ocean Plastic Surgery
Auction ends/lots close: Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 10:00 A.M. EST
Moecker Auctions, Inc. has been assigned to conduct an auction that will feature professional medical aesthetics equipment and supplies including items such as Mindray A4 Advantage anesthesia system, cosmetic chairs model RG-BS-440410DC1, Ritter M11 Steam Sterilizer model M11-042, Ultra HD Seville classics rolling carts, Ritter 355 illuminating lamp model 355-005 serial HF002173, 3M Bair Hugger 775 rolling cart model 90090, Mindray patient monitor on rolling stand model ePM 10 M, Allergen Diamond glow machine w/stand model A0142 DG serial SP34193, Lumenis AcuPulse system GA-0000070 serial 3414, Optivac G180 Portable Aspirator Model G180 Goncourt, Harloff 6 Drawer Emergency cart, Mindray ePM 12M Patient monitor on push cart w/monitor model ePM 12M, Valleylab Force FX electrosurgical generator on push cart serial F9H, Enthermics fluid warmer model DC 350, Vaser Liposuction machine on cart ref Vaser 2 serial VSR210-0233, Sciton Profile Laser Erbium, medical supplies and instruments, office furniture, office supplies, medical supplies, electronics and related items.
Inspection | Preview date: Wednesday, November 20 from 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. by appointment.
Pick-up | Removal Location: 3863 NW 19 Street, Lauderdale Lakes, FL 33311
Checkout | Removal date: 11/22, 11/25 and 11/26 from 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.
Catalog :
https://moeckerauctions.com/2024/11/04/blue-ocean-medical-ventures-llc/ -
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