New Merchandise

by: Bullock's Bid 'N Buy


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4635 Scrubgrass Road, 4635 Scrubgrass Road, Grove City, Pennsylvania, United States, 16127

December 6, 2024at 05:00 pm EDT

Sale Items: General

Description of Sale

"It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas" Auction

Friday December 6 @ 5:00 PM

4635 Scrubgrass Road

Grove City, PA 16127

Directions:From interstate 80, take exit 29 Barkeyville and follow 8 North approximately 1 mile. Turn left at second crossroads across from Clark Enterprises towards Wesley. Continue 1/2 mile past Kellners Fireworks. Make Left onto Scrubgrass Road. One mile to auction on the right hand side of the road. Look for Bullock's Bid 'N Buy Signs.
New Merchandise for all of Your Christmas Gift Giving and Stocking Stuffers.........We will open at 4 O'clock in order that you may preview the items that will be sold. Some categories of items to be sold are:
Housewares, Christmas Stockings, Wrapping Paper, Candy Canes, All Types of Candies, Stuffed Animals, Bedding & Blankets,Electronics, Wide Variety of Toys,Clothing/Accessories, Dog & Cat Bedding and Toys, and you JUSTnever really knowwhat Dan Gallagher is going to bring to our Auction Garage.
**** All Items are guaranteed to your satisfaction.
Come join in all the Pre-Holiday fun with our staff!!!!
New Merchandise has been procured from Macy's, Walmart & Amazon. We are Selling Only Top Quality Items......
Terms: Cash or Pa. check...... MasterCard, Visa & Discover has a 5% fee.
We are an Inside Facility...Complete w/ Comfortable Chairs. Hope to see you there!


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